29 February 2008

India 2008 - Day One

Friday 29-Feb
Wake up call did come quickly. I forfeited coffee for the wonderful tea that India offers...

Saturday 01-Mar
Such a full day yesterday. Breakfast at the hotel with Lee and Ben and Stephanie and Ted and Michelle, of course. Our driver (Noor) arrived and took us to a shop to purchase our clothes. Beautiful and fabulous. A sea of vibrant colors and textures. Stations manned by many attentive small Indian men. Enthusiasm abounds as do inexpensive garments and personal challenges with money conversions. Ha ha!

We journeyed to the land that the girls' home is being built upon. There we met with the orphan boys who currently live on the land. Once the girls' home is complete, construction for the boys' home is scheduled to begin.

The medical camp was taking place that day. We were able to be a part of it but really enjoyed our time with the seven boys. We had purchased several different types of toys and play things to bring for them before leaving the states. The day was spent with them and all their new toys. Ben & Steph had an especially good time with the boys. After we left them that evening, we headed to a shoe store where Ben and Steph purchased two pair of shoes for each of the boys.