13 March 2008

India 2008 - Gratitude

Returning has been... interesting.
I have so many thoughts/feelings. Dealing with jet-lag has been a TRIP in itself. I've never dealt with jet lag like this before. I'm not sure why exactly although I have my hypothesis. Ha ha - don't really know how educated it is, but... oh anyhow. I must say though, I've never had kids to come home to before! So that's definitely a change on the adjustment period for me.

Anyway ~ I'm full of... gratitude. There are so many people to thank and for so many reasons. Just to have people supporting you and your efforts with a hug or a smile or a word of encouragement (or a latte!) is huge for me. Not only did I have that, but people jumped on the boat! They bought stickers and balls and toys for me to take to the kids. Lots of people gave me money to buy things for the kids. People called, emailed, texted... heh heh. I had a great supportive send-off. And I'm not the only one who is super blessed by it - all those kids and their parents or neighbors or friends (whoever) were too! In such big ways. When we gave some of the toys to the boys on our first day, we were told it made their year! Hello. A couple of jump ropes, frisbees, recorders and stickers showered smiles and laughter and excitment. It created a stir, a buzz that has since lived on. Hello!!! Love it. Really. I JUST love it.

I am so thankful. So many people made that happen and so many other moments like it...