15 April 2008

Magazine Article is Here!

Well... they used it. They only changed one thing (they added a word). So when I saw it in print with the photos they used (I didn't pick them) it was cool, but then I felt like... wow, did I really write the right thing? Did I really convey the trip?
I'm pretty sure the answer is "No" but it's OK. The pictures are great. And I guess if anyone wants to know more details, they could seek me out and find me. heh heh heh

Oh anyway ~ the photos are really incredible - actually, I think the COLORS in the photos are incredible and then of course the people there are amazing.

I wonder if/when I'll go back...

31 March 2008

India 2008 - Magazine Article

I was asked to write up a blip for the Jubilee Life Magazine about my trip to India. Here is the text I sent them:

Last year my daughter and I started saving coins in a little cardboard "house" to send to Hyderabad, India. It was to help fund the building project of a girls' orphanage there. I dreamed of being able to travel to the very location we were helping to finance with our change. A year later that dream is realized and a new one takes its place.

The smell of smoke from small fires greeted us as we set foot on Indian soil. I swatted at a few mosquitoes. They seemed kinda puny.

The days surged by like Indians on motorbikes! They were full from rise to rest. We had the privilege of meeting Lee's incredible staff and spending time on the purchased land and in the girls' home. We also had opportunity to shower the children there and outside the city with the love of the Father.

One morning we headed to a "village" nestled against mountains of burning garbage. This familiar song began to rise, Who am I that You are mindful of me? ... Is it true that You are thinking of me? How You love me... It was amazing, to see the love of God poured out not only onto the beautiful unsuspecting natives but also onto us.

One particular afternoon truly changed my life. Forever. I found myself sitting on the ground in a company of women who are lepers. Showers of kisses and blessings poured fourth from my lips onto their hands (that held no fingers) and their faces (incomplete). I held them and kissed them. And they held and kissed me right back. We shared smiles and laughter. They were missing their daughters. And there I sat like I was one of their daughters. May I never forget that soft, wrinkled, brown skin or the tears that trickled then streamed forth from their eyes. Romans 5:5 "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hears by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

I gues we'll see if they use it! ~ Mrs. Mitchell

13 March 2008

India 2008 - Gratitude

Returning has been... interesting.
I have so many thoughts/feelings. Dealing with jet-lag has been a TRIP in itself. I've never dealt with jet lag like this before. I'm not sure why exactly although I have my hypothesis. Ha ha - don't really know how educated it is, but... oh anyhow. I must say though, I've never had kids to come home to before! So that's definitely a change on the adjustment period for me.

Anyway ~ I'm full of... gratitude. There are so many people to thank and for so many reasons. Just to have people supporting you and your efforts with a hug or a smile or a word of encouragement (or a latte!) is huge for me. Not only did I have that, but people jumped on the boat! They bought stickers and balls and toys for me to take to the kids. Lots of people gave me money to buy things for the kids. People called, emailed, texted... heh heh. I had a great supportive send-off. And I'm not the only one who is super blessed by it - all those kids and their parents or neighbors or friends (whoever) were too! In such big ways. When we gave some of the toys to the boys on our first day, we were told it made their year! Hello. A couple of jump ropes, frisbees, recorders and stickers showered smiles and laughter and excitment. It created a stir, a buzz that has since lived on. Hello!!! Love it. Really. I JUST love it.

I am so thankful. So many people made that happen and so many other moments like it...

07 March 2008

India 2008: isms

7 March 2008

my notes: India isms
  • men holding hands
  • color, color everywhere
  • propoganda/adverts on enormous billboards
  • the constant honking horn
  • traffic, traffic everywhere!
  • anise or fennel seeds for digestion
  • everything curried
  • veg and non-veg
  • Sir & Madam
  • British traditions of formality infusing life (what was it like before the British occupation???)
  • "What's your good name?"

05 March 2008

India 2008 - Day Five

Wednesday 05-Mar

The days surge by like Indians on motorbikes! They are full from rise to rest. Yesterday afternoon was particularly special for me at the leper colony. Oh how I was able to pour out love from our Father. Oh His goodness is immeasurable! Lord, may I never forget those beautiful hands (nubs) that I held and kissed. May I never forget the teeth, rotten through and through but still showing in a smile and bursting into laughter. Oh and that soft, wrinkled, brown skin that embraced the tears that trickled then streamed forth from those light eyes that have seen years of life mixed with pain and sorrow. Oh to hold that beautiful, small woman another time. To feel her arms around me and her lips caressing my cheeks. To share in the smiles and embraces. I do not know her name, but I know her face and those of the women surrounding her. That was my day to share the love of God that has been poured out... Romans 5:5 "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hears by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." That was the main scripture that God had given me that particular day as I was scheduled to speak at the colony.

04 March 2008

India 2008 - Day 4 - culture reflection

A day full... of so many things. Beautiful to my eyes and ears... and things not so beautiful to me. Although... ah, culture! There are things here that seem so odd to me and yet in their cultural way are gorgeous. We were painting the girls' finger nails at the colony. (crazy, but they LOVED it!) We were sitting on the ground and they were sitting in chairs all lined up with fingers poised, ready, waiting, expectant! Two timid girls emerged from... I don't know where! But suddenly they were with us, wanting painted nails like all the other girls. I spotted the left hand of the smaller girl. It was covered in manure. Well, her palm was. I was thinking... Oh my heck. She needs to sit over by Steph, cuz I am NOT touching that... wait a minute! What am I THINKING?!?!? OF COURSE I'm touching that! That's why I'm here. I'm gonna love on this girl. She definitely wants her nails painted. I've got hand sanitizer in my bag. So, I guess I can do her right hand and then... well, we'll see what happens when I try to do her left. If that's even possible... is there a translator around here? I've got to...

My thoughts were interuppted by Steph, "Does she have cow poop on her hand?"

"Sure does!" I responded quickly.

"Oh. Allrightie then!" Steph was upbeat and optimistic. She was willing to deal with it too!

We kinda giggled, cuz... what do you do? That's so foreign to us. We pulled up a chair for the little girl and kept on painting. To tell the truth, I thought the little girl maybe had a bad case of upset stomach or something and didn't have a way to wash her hands after going to the bathroom, so she used the field and... well, it turned into a big cake-o-something that looked like a cow pie. I know. Gross. But that's what I was thinking! And we were not near civilization, shall I say. So it wasn't too far fetched... so I thought. Moments later, Michelle asks, "Why does that little girl have poop on her hand!?" Praveena (one of the guides) responds matter of factly, "Oh no, that's Henna paste."

So, as I was saying "odd to me and yet in their cultural way gorgeous" - there is my example of what I'm trying to say... Cultures. Gorgeous.

India 2008 - Day Four

Monday 03-Mar

Today began early. The sun has proved itself hot. Spent the morning in a village next to mountains of burning garbage. God has called them friends. "Who am I that You are mindful of me?" This has been our favorite time thus far. What incredible moments!

Even now we travel to a leper colony. Large marble factories and slabs and statues on either side of us. Large Hindu statues look like giant buddhas with elephant heads and leis. Hayathnagar - word and deed: This is the place of the leper colony we are on our way to visit right now. Today has been an overwhelming day. I am overwhelmed with... God's goodness and how He sees me and cares for me and my desires. Desire to be here in India. Now we meet with Cynthia here at the compound financed by the Netherlands.

02 March 2008

India 2008 - Day Three

Sunday 02-Mar

Thankfully our morning was late. We were afforded some extra sleep and conversations. Shayloo brought fabulous Masala tea. Smells are lovely. An hour drive took us to a village about 60 kilometers outside the city. Sights. Sounds. Smells. All in abundance. Herds of goats cross the road with a herdsman nearly at their peril.

For the next generation we do this. Such an odd culture to me when it comes to touch. Certainly I think it's wonderful - culture. And yet... responding to the environment set up for them the children would not receive physical touch. They didn't simply shy away from, they actually rejected it - at first. Once the atmosphere changed, they kept coming back for more and more and more.

Mobbed while passing out stickers. What a treat! Hugging the old lady. And having her kiss my neck. Oh what a wonderful treat. She asked me to take her back to the states with me! So much of the day I felt as if I'd been there before but I have never. Awesome. Such liberty in the midst of such control. The "tents" are so beautiful and vibrant. Love it!

01 March 2008

India 2008 - Day Two pic #2

Day Two marked the Girls' Home Dedication. Here Michelle waits for the girls to arrive and the ceremony to begin.

India 2008 - Day Two pic #1

Nothing quite like some good "soaking" music...

Soaking it up!

Waiting for the Girls' Home Dedication ceremony to begin...

29 February 2008

India 2008 - Day One

Friday 29-Feb
Wake up call did come quickly. I forfeited coffee for the wonderful tea that India offers...

Saturday 01-Mar
Such a full day yesterday. Breakfast at the hotel with Lee and Ben and Stephanie and Ted and Michelle, of course. Our driver (Noor) arrived and took us to a shop to purchase our clothes. Beautiful and fabulous. A sea of vibrant colors and textures. Stations manned by many attentive small Indian men. Enthusiasm abounds as do inexpensive garments and personal challenges with money conversions. Ha ha!

We journeyed to the land that the girls' home is being built upon. There we met with the orphan boys who currently live on the land. Once the girls' home is complete, construction for the boys' home is scheduled to begin.

The medical camp was taking place that day. We were able to be a part of it but really enjoyed our time with the seven boys. We had purchased several different types of toys and play things to bring for them before leaving the states. The day was spent with them and all their new toys. Ben & Steph had an especially good time with the boys. After we left them that evening, we headed to a shoe store where Ben and Steph purchased two pair of shoes for each of the boys.

28 February 2008

India 2008 - Arrival

Infusion of HOPE. "You're latter will be greater than your past."


We have arrived! The early morning hour proved favorable for us foreigners. It wasn't as crazy as I anticipated. Hallelujah! The smell of smoke from burning items is in the air. I swatted at a few mosquitoes. The seemed poor, frail, weak. We were greeted by Lee & James & received leis of beautiful, wet, tinsel-decorated Indian flowers. Who knew?!? now we are snug in our rooms. The mini-refrigerator is extremely hot to touch on the outside but cool inside. The carpet in the halls exudes a smell I've never encountered before. It's nearly 4am. Wake up call comes quickly. I fade to sleep and wake tomorrow for a day of shopping and... Fabulous! Thank YOU for bringing us safely.

27 February 2008

India 2008: On My Way!!!

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Here I sit, finally situated in this aisle seat 43C. There is only one more row behind me in this aircraft. Oooh - international travel.... ~sigh~ Ultimate dreamer experiences. I know others have incredible dreams & adrenaline rushes... for me... All I can say is thank You to the One who makes a way for me - to triumph in His Name: Jesus. So the captain just came over the loud speaker speaking in Dutch (isn't that the language in Amsterdam?) and I am overwhelmed in my element. The languages, customes, foods of the world. Again, I say thank You for Your great love for me. Thank You for allowing me to make this journey! I actually feel as though I could go to Amersterdam and stay and be thrilled (even though I've never really had the thought to go there before - but really , why not?!?) Our flight time will be nine hours and thirty minutes.

Eight hours and thirty minutes later. How did that much time go by already? Actually I'm quite tired but was unable to fall asleep. So I'm really relying on the next flight. Need to complete more reading and get something on paper to teach!


We're an hour away from landing in Hyderabad. When we were at the airport in Amsterdam and came to our gate... it was "wow." I could not stop smiling! Not in the Bay Area any more Toto! Ha ha.

Along these lines:
-infusion of HOPE ~ Your latter will be greater than your former; especially for you ladies!